that was very weard
but "I" am weard so I love salid fingers
that was very weard
but "I" am weard so I love salid fingers
LOL I do so LOVE that mullet
that was funny
um yeah thats all
lol I Know How Bizarr dreams can get
and that was really bizarr you have a very vivid imagination..
then again so DO I!!!
I had a madness dream once too!
We were talking His name was bob and we were on pluto
Beeing Canadian I am flatterd...
And speeking for all of my fello Canucks
"Thanks eh"
ps. for all Non Canadians who wonder why we say "eh", Its so the person were talking to always has room to agree. Its only polite
\/\/()()T That Was Cool!!!
I think Ive herd that somewhere before I just can't remember where...oh well good job
I AM CANADIAN!!!!! (realy I am)
I agree. that other revewers were realy friggin unreasonable when the flushed this down the shitter without givein this a honest chance. but ya that was really stupid. but I enjoyed this.
that was so retarded but I loved it!!!!
Is that okay!!??!
I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
Im gonna see the next one now!
(Insert insane laughter here)
But sereously that was a real good remake of the original
Good job
It was ok I guess...
but I absilutly Dispise Rap music. But good job anyway I enjoyed it.
Age 35, Male
High School
Vancover Canada
Joined on 10/14/03